"Uh, did we rent porno?"
Turns out we didn't, but instead were watching a horror movie with a porn aesthetic. Poor sound, poor dialogue, and piss poor performances are the stand-out elements on display here.
Opening with a particularly difficult to watch gang rape scene wherein a girl at one point is fucked with a bowling pin, the movie really has nowhere to go but up. The rapists themselves are stereotypical popped-collar variety douches whose dialogue sounds improvised at best. The audience (Me, as daisy literally willed herself into unconsciousness to avoid the rest of the film) is really looking forward to some bowling pin related rape-revenge head smashing, but Gutterballs throws the typical horror formula right out the window and lets the masked madman kill everyone BUT the rapists until the very end, forcing the audience to put up with line after line of forced 'fucks' for most of the 90-minute runtime. If there was even one likable character that I could get behind I could overlook a lot of garbage, but alas, no dice.
As for the positives, I'm sure if the movie didn't have a 15 minute rape scene as its opening I probably would have enjoyed the admittedly inventive kills a lot more. The 69 kill (seriously, and it's fucking awesome), death by bowling pin fellatio, death by ball waxer...the bowling alley is used to its full kill potential and the gore is fantastic. I've never seen a dick cut in half before and I hope I don't have to again for some time.
Gutterballs doesn't shoot any higher than the title suggests, so if you're looking for a mouthful of sleeze n' cheeze, this one's for you.
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